Resources for Children

Resources for Children

Click here to see the 'Becky' YouTube channel, where Becky makes videos signing along to worship songs and Church liturgy with Makaton.

Click here to see the YouTube channel run by charity Fischy Music - they are currently livestreaming music assemblys once a week while schools are closed and have old livestreams on their channel.

Click here to see the Kids of Integrity website that hosts a wide range of game, craft and lesson ideas that encourage Godly character.

The United Reformed Church has collected a wide range of resources together and seperated them into categories following the Fruits of the Spirit. Click here to see these resources, which you can download for yourself in PDF form.

Roots provides resources to help create inspiring worship, as well as activities and ideas for children. In response to the current situation, they have made all resources free to access. Click here to be directed to their site. 

Click here to download a free PDF of Action Bible bookmarks and colouring pages. (If you are unable to print at home, try opening PDFs with Microsoft Edge, the 'Add Notes' button at the top of the screen should allow you to choose different coloured pens and colour in from your computer or tablet!)


Click here to be directed to 'Bible Chat Mats' where you can download and print biblical themed colouring pages.

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